I have big box of spares for a BSA D14/4 and a C15. Any decent offers taken. If interested please email me on jd.hampton@talktalk.net
I am in Shrewsbury, Shropshire
Hello every,

I am looking for anything Mickmar related. Engines, Frames, Info anything really. If anyone has anything please Email minarellimatt@gmail.com

Many Thanks
Hello all, hope your all well.

I’m thinking of putting my Otter up for sale, it’s not being used, spend most of my time on my Seeley.

Anyone in here interested?


I’ve just purchased the Rickman style Bantam based trials bike highlighted on here, from auction yesterday, it’s almost all there but it’s way to tall for trials, I can’t put my finger on what wrong with it just yet, it needs some work to get it back road worthy , bars are bent and could do with a brace, no number plate mount and the suspension needs looking at, I’ve not tried to start it yet, needs new fuel and cleaning out if nothing else . Rob
Marvelous work you've done here Charlie. I'm a BSA and trials enthusiast but to find some great recipes here too... you've hit the trifecta! Your dedication and effort is appreciated by many I'm sure. Thank you.
Fantastic website and great source of info. Thanks for all your care and effort. I am using a B25 as a platform and modified a B44 frame to sample geometry before building a Otter style frame. Your information has been an encyclopedia for my project.

Signed 5/4/2020
Hi Charlie
Hope you are well, just a quick comment on your question is it worth carrying on with the website? As far as I'm concerned it's a definite yes.
I for one realy appreciate the work you put in with no financial gain for yourself. You may not be able to halt the decline in pre 65 trial but I feel certain that you are helping to slow it down.
The BSA Otter Website is as far as I'm aware the most comprehensive wesite available for pr 65 trials and Britshock trials. It is a superb sauce of information which is invaluable now and will be even more so in the future.
Please keep up the good work Charlie and do what is right for you, those who don't like it can go and do it their own way if they can be bothered to put the effort in.
Regards Steve Townsend
Amazingly wonderful site for me. I've had a B25 off roader ' otter ?' for a year now. I'm in my mid 70's , bought as pure nostalgia , my first bike in 69' was a B25 . Runs well , better than me !


Great site with lots of interesting info but the spelling is painful

Whereas not "were has". Select the right one from Where - a question, Were - the past participle of are, We're - we are.

There - an indication, Their - something that belongs to them, They're - they are
Having worked in the BSA competition shop from 1957 till 1962 alongside Brian Martin manager , Arthur Crawford, John Harris, many standard frames were used, non were ever plated, the oil in the frame was developed with Brian, other special frames were made for the Red Marley hill climb, but we're destroyed.
What a great site I stumbled across ! I , in my mid seventies , recently bought a C15 'otter'. It's a bit of an ugly duckling and was a bit depressed after buying it when I thought I could do much better for the price .[ Impulsive me. Bought as seen from abroad , France.] But it's great to ride and brings me right back to my youth. As different from chalk and cheese with my Kawasaki ER6. When you get older you realise size doesn't matter , which reminds me when I bought my first bike a BSA 250 Starfire , couldn't wait to pass my test to buy a 'real' bike. Silly youth.
Excellent website, thank you for the work you put into it. I have been reading the weekly column, all the weeks I missed by not watching the site, and to quote Tony Hancock from The Blood Donor, "that could have been me talking". We have all of the same problems in the US with the so called vintage trials. It makes a displaced Yorkshireman weep.
Stumbled on your excellent website. I have a 49 BSA B34 in trials trim (rigid trials, that is!) Nothing like these bikes. I don't even know what an otter is, apart from the furry little animals who live in rivers..

Well done.

Just been catching up on the site. I can't believe how much its grown since I was last here. Amazed that you haven't given in to advertising and have kept it clear of the spammers.

Keep up the good work.

May I wish each and everyone, especially Charlie without who I would not have learnt so much interesting info, a 'Very Happy Christmas and New Year'.
hi charlie good and intresting more more ha stan
Hi, excellent site, glad someone took the trouble to highlight these lovely bikes. I sadly sold my one a few years ago (pic 26 in the gallery) after spending fortunes on different set-ups. As pictured it was very early in its "Otter" life, and spent a couple of years of front fork and engine development. After I sold it, it went half way round the country, before returning to about 5 miles from "home". Everyone who tried it loved the handling, but hated the power delivery, very soft low down but also very spitefull when opened up....just how I like them. Dave PS I'd like to see it now.
Great job Charlie, keep up the good work. See you at your trial Dave
cracking website .i have made my own version of an otter using a B40 engine and some doner parts of frame from a Bultaco . I will mail you a pic . keep up the good work
A super web site Charlie. The history of our sport that was so vibrant during the 60's and early 70's, and the bikes that were built and used should never be forgoten.