Deryk Wylde... This is Deryk's latest publishing empire at 85+years young. If you log into the facebook page there is a link to the Nostalgia Bookshop website, with details of how you can buy these superb documented photo books, of all things Offroad Motorcycle Sport from the past years... And I must say the copies I have got so far are brilliant... All future volumes will be in hard back so even better and Deryk says he has fixed the price now at £25.00 per volume... So well worth taking a look at that web site... I will leave all the below on has reference for us, as well, because things do change a lot with Deryk as he has different ideas... Just a "Good Old Boy"... Private group...Facebook... TRIALS EXPRESS This is Deryk's current publication. He does get through a number, but this one has lasted longest... I have left the rest on, as like it says they are for reference... FREE Digital weekly paper ( for members) for catching up with the current trials scene... And there is also periodic NEW digital books about the sports past masters ... check out the Dave Curtis volume... Charlie ~Oo> A wonderful insight into the career of this gentleman... and star. It is members-only on the Facebook group, TRIALS EXPRESS, and it is totally FREE to readers. I hope to raise enough from advertising £40 for a full-page 272mm wide x 184mm tall, £25 for a half-page 166 mm wide x 184mm tall - discounts for regular insertions, that means the people paying for it are the people making a living from the sport. Readers will be able to buy copies of the photos if they wish - it is all arranged such that you can't copy them from the paper - other than maybe as a screenshot ... BREAKING NEWS . . . . . . The first of the new digital magazines is now well underway and will be emailed to everybody who has requested the FREE UPGRADE to their membership by emailing me at: PLEASE DON'T MESSAGE ME AND ASK FOR THE UPGRADE - IT DOESN"T WORK THAT WAY . . . .SORRY! The first of the new magazines will be emailed before 1st March 2020... Deryk aboard his Ariel HT 5 with Miller's gears, camshaft, etc... 
Famous for, "Off Road Review" Magazine. and ORR-e, 24/11/2017. A DECISION HAS BEEN MADE.....!! Any readers who were existing subscribers to OFF ROAD REVUe (ORRe) on the trialscentral website can now continue their membership by means of a Lifetime Membership of the Reference Library at a discounted price of £30 instead of £40. The membership will also include total free access to all the other publications in the library, the Rich Mixture books and the old printed OFF ROAD REVIEW magazines as well as free copies of high res images for personal use only........ Contact
02/11/2017. Today I have Good News, ORR-e is back. Now on its own merit. through author Deryk Wylde. What you will have to do to receive the New Magazine,Is send Deryk your e-Mail Address, and a small fee of £20 for the Twelve months subscription. And you will be able to Pay with Pay-Pal, so it will be easy. This covers all New Issues, and also the 55 back issues below. (Now Closed)... See Top Of Page... 05/11/2017. Today Deryk has had a NEW Facebook Closed group page set up, The Name. "The Competition Motorcycle Reference Library". ~~~~~~~ From this page when you have joined the group by contacting Deryk. You will have a list of not only the back issues of both ORR-e Magazines. but the digital converted 99 copies of the original ORR magazine, and the New once a month or even less, copies of the NEW ORR-e magazines, and converted books that Deryk has written. The files are in PDF format, so all you have to do is down load them to read. You can save them to your computer. I have saved some of mine in "I-Books" on my I-Mac computer and on my I-Pad, This makes changing the pages easy and all you need with the Pad is touch the screen. Great Stuff. and all for £20 per year. And this is only to cover Deryk's expenses converting the files for us. Issue 56 out shortly. Here is a taster of what OFF ROAD REVUe has to offer........ You can still read these below if you join Deryks Facebook Pages... ISSUES INDEX ISSUE 55 In Issue 55 we introduce a new series of Historic Photographs, from points of significance in the development of offroad motorcycle sport and start an analysis of the state of pre-65 trialling today. We also have our first look at some of the interesting machinery to be seen at Kinlochleven in the 2017 Pre-65 Scottish Two Day trial, plus a look at one of the last BMCA trials of their season, at Mucklestone plus the latest Somerton Classic event at Wetherhayes. ISSUE 54 In this issue we complete our analysis of the 2017 TALMAG Trophy trial. We also look forward to our reporting plans for the 2017 classic scrambling season, report on the latest BMCA activity in Bedlam and continue the story of DOT machine development in the hands of Burnard Scott Wade, as told by Ted Hardy ISSUE 53 Our unique coverage of the 2017 TALMAG trial continues in Issue 53 with 127 of the competitors now photographed! The photographic retrospective of the archives continue with a selection of photos never published before from 1986 events including the Arena trial at Pool Court, racing at Aintree and Carnaby. the Cleveland trial, Bradford's Timperley Cup trial, Darlington's Williamson's Nightmare trial, the Yorks Centre Team trial and the Long Track racing at Nun Monkton. There are also current reports from the BMCA trials at Pattingham, Leighton and Knighton, the Red Rose Classic's Tinklers trial and classic racing at Aberdare. ISSUE 52 Issue 52 is another 100 page bumper issue with the first part of our 2017 TALMAG Trophy coverage where we plan to include detail images of every competitor at Hungry Hill plus our new feature Photographic Retrospective where we include photographs never previously published of events thirty years ago, including coverage of the 1986 Bemrose, Wainwright Shield, Travers and Scott trials plus racing at Aintree and the Sprint Hillclimb at Bardon Manor. Our photoreports of current classic events include the 2017 BMCA Bedlam, Buildwas and Mamble trials and the Red Rose Classic's 2017 Championship Round One at Copy Pit. ISSUE 51 In this issue we introduce a regular feature 'Photographic Retrospective' in which we look back at events that were current thirty years ago. We begin to tell the story of the DOT competition models built in Manchester and continue with another chapter from 'Midlands Rich Mixture' this time telling the story of the final years of the original circuit at Donington. The photoreports of current classic events include the Jack Thompson Trial, the BMCA Mucklestone trial and Somerton Classic's 2016 Charity trial. ISSUE 50 We celebrate the fiftieth issue of our digital magazine with 106 pages and 146 photographs, many never published previously. The features include the stories of Triss and Bryan Sharp. told by Gordon Francis plus another chapter of Midlands Rich Mixture by Bob Light, telling the fully illustrated story of Donington. The comprehensive photoreports include the 2016 Downland Trophy trial and also Oxford Ixion's unique Norton Trophy and News of the World Team trial plus BMCA's trials at Womerton, Hunnington and Waterfall plus the Air Ambulance trial which raised £200. There is also the photoreport of the Pre-65MXC's Christmas Cracker scramble. This issue is topped off with a selection of classic Photoserendipity images which should give members plenty to read in the run up to Christmas. ISSUE 49 This issue includes comprehensive photoreports of the current classic events such as the BMCA trial at Marshbrook, Mortimer Classic's September scramble, the Pre-65 Motocross Club's Greeves Championship finale and Somerton Classic's Gordon Francis Trophy trial. We also take a look back at the British Round of the 1986 World Championship through the lens of Barry Robinson. The history section continues our fully illustrated look at offroad motorcycle sport in the Midlands from 1930 to 1950 as well as another trawl through the images created by ace photographer, Gordon Francis. Eighty-four pages, one hundred and thirteen images and not an advert in sight. 2016 Scott Trial Supplement As a bonus to our Off Road Revue subscribers, in this special supplement we take a look at this year's Scott Trial, captured by Barry Robinson. ISSUE 48 In this issue we feature a comprehensive photoreport of the Final Round of the Northern British Bike Championship, followed by a delve through the archives to tell the fully illustrated story of the career of Terry Challinor. Also from the archive we take a first in depth look at the work of Gordon Francis, with unique photographs of virtually every format of offroad motorcycle sport, Bringing current classic activity up to date we include the first part of a detailed photoreport of the sixteen classic events that Eric Miles has attended in 2016. ISSUE 47 Issue 47 begins the serialisation of 'Midlands Rich Mixture', telling the profusely illustrated story of motorcycle sport in the Midlands from 1930 to the 1950s. There are also photoreports of this year's Nostalgia trial and the September scramble organised by Mortimer Classic at Theale. We also have some interesting machines spotted by Hammertight at the BMCA trial at Boraston are featured as are similar machines in action at the 2016 running of the Red Marley event, spotted by Eric Miles." ISSUE 46 In this issue we feature comprehensive photoreports of the Yorkshire Classic's trial at the old Cockhill lead mine above Greenhow, the Somerton Classic event at Emborough, and the classic trial and classic scrambles at the British Bike Bonanza, which this year returned to a venue used in the 1930's at Sapperton. In response to reader requests we look at some action shots of Montesa models in the 1970s, mostly never published before ISSUE 45 Another busy issue with comprehensive photoreports of current classic events at the Ilkley round of the Sammy Miller series, the Pre-65 Motocross Club's scramble at Gosfield and the Mortimer Classic's July scramble at Theale. Requested by readers is a collection of archive photographs of Bultaco machines, many never previously published. Add to that the personal reminiscences of one of our greatest all-rounders, Johnny Draper plus we tell the story of Bob Foster, who trialled, scrambled and raced with equal success both at home and abroad." ISSUE 44 Our biggest issue to date, 78 pages and 120+ images. The contents include a photoreview of Triumph Tiger Cub models, with action photos of all the famous riders over the years. There are photoreports of Red Rose Classic's Warmsden trial as well as the Scarborough Two-day, with plenty of action from all the Pre-65 and classic twinshock classes. For the technically minded there is a feature detailing inexpensive ways of improving the reliability of the ignition systems fitted to Villiers models over the years. The personality featured is the genius all-rounder, Johnny Draper, who approached his motorsport with a sense of fun and mischief but still managed to win every solo capacity class in the Scottish Six Days trial, as well as being the European Motocross Champion whilst spending his spare moments racing in the Isle of Man as a clubman. ISSUE 43 In this issue we have a comprehensive photoreport of the Somerton Classic club's British Bike Trial in which no less than ninety riders took part, plus a look at Red Rose Classic's Top Quarry event. We tell the story of Royal Enfield star rider Peter Stirland - often known as the Maestro of Mud. In our selection of unusual machines in the Photoserendipity feature there are fully detailed photographs of several rare machines including a Butler Tempest as well as a Butler Alpha prototype, AJS 37A/t and also a Villiers/Wasp. Finally we look at a couple of landowners, without whose invaluable assistance it would not be possible to run well known events. ISSUE 42 This latest seventy page issue of our digital magazine includes, by popular demand, images and features from additional off road motorcycle sport, namely, grass track and circuit racing. The features include the story of Mick Waller, not quite a works rider, but highly involved with all things AJS none the less. DOT machines feature in a themed request selection, plus the usual photoreports on the 2016 Pre-65 Scottish, the Yorkshire Dales Classic and the Red Rose Classic trial at the new venue, 400 Acres. There is also an historical photoreport of the 1961 National Grass Track Championships. ISSUE 41 Another busy issue bristling with new features, firstly responding to a reader request, a selection of various Greeves models in historic action, to help restorers wanting accurate images of the way they were in their day - but with a thought provoking 'What If' depicting Brian Stonebridge, the development rider who most influenced Bert Greeves thinking and actions, riding a BSA Bantam. There are Photoreports of the action of Yorkshire Classic at Litton, and BMCA at Knighton and also at Gaerstone by Neil Johnson and Hammertight. Finally, we have another response to a reader request with a series of historic photographs of riders in action on a famous old West of England section, Diamond Lane ISSUE 40 In Issue 40 we recount the history of the well known freak hillclimb in the midlands, the Red Marley Easter meeting, with photographs not previously seen and full historic detail. The photoreports of current classic events include the Yorkshire Classic's Captains Trial and the BMCA trial at Ullenhall. ISSUE 39 In Issue 39 we feature a further selection of archive photographs for the classic enthusiasts plus photoreports of the Somerton Classic Trial at Lamb's Lair and the BMCA event at Leighton near Welshpool. We also consider an alternative approach to the formulation of a classic trials championship in an effort to rejuvenate the sport - and seek YOUR views on the way forward." orre 38 ISSUE 38 Another 50+ page issue which includes the second part of our comprehensive review of the 2016 Talmag - the most significant gathering of numerous pre-unit British trials models anywhere in the world, as well as Photoreports of the current classic trials organised by BMCA in the midlands and the Red Rose Classic club in Lancashire. For the nostalgia junkies there is a selection from the photographic scrapbook of Gordon Francis. ISSUE 37 Issue 37 is another fifty-plus page issue brimful of photographs of classic off-road motorcycles in action, including the first part of a comprehensive photoreport of the 2016 Talmag Trophy trial, the specialist trial exclusively for classic European fourstroke trials machines that this year attracted close to two hundred competitors - and not a single twostroke in sight... ISSUE 36 In issue 36 we remember the 1977 Colonial Trial organised by the Eboracum club, with a Photoreport, and a similar look at the 1999 Tuck Cross Memorial trial, one of the Sammy Miller rounds with a healthy dose of sidecar action in the Mendips. Our personality review is of the popular lady rider, Olga Kevelos, who not only rode in the Scottish eighteen times - but also captained a narrow boat on essential wartime duties. With few current classic events, due to the disastrous weather, we take another look at some of 2015's classic trials and finish this 50+ page issue with another look at some of Barry Robinson's archives. ISSUE 35 In this issue we take a look back into classic action in the South-west as well as a Photoreport on the current action with Bath Classic at Binegar. There is a brief look at an interesting Pre-unit Triumph as well as further Photoreports from Red Rose Classic's Charity trial to support the Air Ambulance, and a Wetherby trial just for fun! We also have the first in a new series featuring the work of photographer Barry Robinson - with some thought provoking commentary. ISSUE 34 Another milestone for the REVUe, this issue now hits the 60+ pages with over 100 large detailed images.The varied topics covered include a fully illustrated analysis of just how the Bultaco Sherpa was created and arrived on our shores, plus a detailed look at the Taylor Suzukis that were created in the midlands. The Photoreports include extended coverage of the final Sammy Miller round of 2015 at the Downland Trophy, plus the penultimate and final rounds of the 2015 Red Rose Classic club championship at Copy Pit and Pendle Hall. Most importantly we explore the art of better scootering... ISSUE 33 In issue 33 we look at an interesting version of a Triumph Twin with marine connections as well as continuing the look at what a developed Norton 500T could have been. We have extended photoreports from a couple of the events from 1993/4, some twenty-one years in to the story of pre-65 sport, the 1994 Scarborough 2-Day trial and the 1993 Talmag Trophy at Hungry Hill. By comparison we have an extended photoreport from the 2015 Somerton Classic 2-Day British Bike trial - all in all another feast of 55 fully illustrated pages of the history of offroad sport."
ISSUE 32 With sixty pages and over one hundred photographs, in Issue 32 we look at the development of classic sport over the years, with a different photograph of a BSA works Bantam to compare with modern counterparts - and a different look at what might have developed had Norton persevered off-road. We start an analysis of classic sport around the country just twenty-one years ago with an extended selection of images from the Review photographers activities in 1994, both pre-65 trials and pre-65 scrambles. Finally, we take a look at the current classic scene with full Photoreports from the Guy Fawkes organised by Western Classic and the Somerton Classic's Gordon Francis trial. ISSUE 31 In this issue we ponder what could have been the result had Norton developed their 500T trials model - and who would have ridden it? We look back at the current classic scene in 2001 - then compare it with the current scene with Photoreports of the Peak Classic trial at Bracken Woods, the Red Rose Classic trial at Top Quarry and the Normandale trial at Hillsborough. We look at the work and life of another of the photographers who have supported Off Road Revue - but who was also an active motorcyclist in his own right - Cecil Bailey. Finally we trawl the archives for comparisons of the unit singles created by BSA at Small Heath. 50+ pages, 80+ images and not a single advert. ISSUE 30 Issue 30 is another busy issue with a compelling introduction, "What if Norton had developed the 500T?", a series of reference quality photoreports from the ACU National Sidecar Championship, Mel Harrison trial at Greenhow, the 2015 South Midlands Classic Trial and the Red Rose classic's 2015 Northern British Bike Championship round. We look at the introduction to trials riding undertaken by one of the Scott Trial landowners, brought up to date with his performance in 2015 - as well as a second feature giving riders who have not tried their hand at the oldest motorcycle trial in the world, a glimpse into what could happen! There is an archive image of the original BSA works Bantam ridden by the late Dave Rowlands. Plus a glimpse of the Press Gang that bring the world of sports motorcycling through your door, week by week... ISSUE 29 The rider who achieves Fastest Time in the Scott Trial will be awarded the Eddie Flintoff Trophy - but who was Eddie Flintoff? In this issue we tell the fully illustrated story of the character who many would argue was the ultimate sporting motorcyclist, with many photographs never published before from Eddie's own scrapbook. More than that we give a unique detailed photo review of Eddies favourite Sunbeam works bike. We also take a nostalgic look back at the classic scene in 2000, and include photoreports from the Red Rose Classic's Float Bridge trial as well as the 2015 Nostalgia Trial. ISSUE 28 In this issue we complete the Photoreport of the 2015 Dales round of the Sammy Miller series, every single rider who competed has now been featured, often with photographs of both sides of the machine to assist would-be machine improvers! There is the first of a series describing the way classic sport has developed over time, looking at events from 2000 in this issue. There is also a photoreport of the Yorkshire Classic's Greenhow trial on the Saturday - again every rider/machine is featured. ISSUE 27 Issue 27 marks another milestone as our first first 70 page issue, including no less than 139 photographs. We start a new series looking at the way classic sport developed with a report of events in 2000, followed by the completion of the marathon photoreport of the 2015 Pre-65 Scottish. Our featured historical glimpse illustrates some of the specials created by John Catchpole and we finish this issue with a comprehensive photoreport of the 2015 Dales Trial round of the Sammy Miller series. ISSUE 26 In Issue 26 we tell the story of John Husband, the prolific builder of the Cotswold BSAs. We explore in detail the background of the arrival of the Bultaco Sherpa on our shores. Our main photoreport this issue is from the Scarborough 2015 Sporting Weekend, with no less than 48 images, plus the sixth part of the marathon photoreport of the 2015 Pre-65 Scottish - if you rode in this year's event there is at least one image of you either half or full page, and often several. Enjoy another 50+ page issue, this time with 100 photographs.
ISSUE 25 In ORRe -25, another 50-page plus issue, we take an analytical look at the trials teams fielded by Francis-Barnett over the years, and the motorcycles they rode - and find that, in different management hands Britain could have had a world beater... We continue our in-depth look at the riders in the Pre-65 Scottish - we now have over two-thirds of the 2015 entry illustrated. If you rode in the event, your picture will be in our digital magazine. ISSUE 24 In Issue-24 we look to find a point in time when the major influence in trials swung to foreign manufacturers, then continue our intensive Analysis of the First Thirty Years of the Pre-65 Scottish. We identify a rider, who many will have never heard of but who won every solo capacity award in the SSDT - as well as creating a machine that incorporated the first use of a swinging arm rear suspension. Nor do we forget the Twinshock models, with a Photoreport of the Red Rose Classic round of the KIA Twinshock Championship. We also have a light-hearted look at a few riders unfortunate moments and finish with another selection from the archive in our Photoserendipity
ISSUE 23 Issue 23 is another 50+ page issue, this time analysing the development of the Royal Enfield Crusader trials models - a popular basis for 'Trifield' specials. There is Part Four of the History of the Pre-65 Scottish trial - in which we complete the release of images of over half the competitors in the 2015 event. This issue is completed with photoreports of the 2015 Sam Cooper Union Jack trial as well as the 2015 Blue Bar classic trial. ISSUE 22 In Issue 22 we explore the initial part of our history of the First Thirty Years of the Pre-65 Scottish trial, including images of over fifty of the competitors in the very recent 2015 event. We also include a Photoreport of the Red Rose Classic Club Championship round at Catlow Ford as well as a Photoreport of this year's Yorkshire Dales Classic trial." ISSUE 21 In issue 21 we analyse one of the most popular rounds in the Sammy Miller series from the point of view of the organiser, and gain an insight into the planning necessary to run any event. Our exploration of the first thirty years of the Pre-65 Scottish continues, in depth. On a different tack we meet two of the personalities of the sport, Ron and Dave Langston, and find out how they became involved - and the way events moulded their ultimate success. Finally, we include another selection of historic photographs in our Photoserendipity selection - including many of our readers requests. ISSUE 20 Our twentieth (already?!) issue of ORRe is another busy 50+ page homage to the world of classic offroad sport. Firstly we look at how the sport restarted after the enforced break of the 1939-'45 War, with many more potential riders returning having been trained on motorcycles during hostilities. The prime feature looks at the story of the first 30 years of the Pre-65 Scottish, fully illustrated throughout with a whole raft of photos from over the years. We then look at the second round of the 2015 Sammy Miller series and ask; "Who was the Sam Cooper named in the Union Jack trial?", with a glimpse of the trial itself in a Photoreport from 1999. Our second photoreport is of a classic scramble held in Callington, Cornwall in 1992, followed by another delve into the archives with Photoserendipity - where subscribers can nominate machines, riders or events they would like to see. ISSUE 19 Issue 19 - is yet another bumper 56 page issue with detailed Photoreports of the 1948 British Experts trial, the 2008 Hillsborough Classic, the 1972 Inter-Centre Team Trial - which was reported as the 'Battle of Ludlow' at the time. We look at the contribution of photographer Alan Vines over the years and tell the story of two Brummie Boys, Bill and Mac Price, motorcycling enthusiasts to the core." ISSUE 18 Another very busy issue of 50+ pages with photoreports of the 1993 March Hare trial, the 1999 Devon Classic Winter Scramble, the 2010 Sammy Miller round at Pateley Bridge and the Third Round of the 2015 Red Rose Classic series. In a new feature we remember those who have helped create the Review. The first analyses the work of brilliant photographer, Gordon Francis, with a careful look at what made his work so special. Finally we have a look at a variant of the classic trials scene, the MCC Long Distance Trials like the Exeter, the Land's End and the Edinburgh - and not forgetting a light-hearted trawl through the archives in our Photoserendipity section. ISSUE 17 In issue 17 we take a long look at some of the machines in use in the 1964 Scottish Six Days Trial, which must surely be one of the definitive 'Pre-65' events. Then we come right up to date with a photoreport of the February 2015 Red Rose Classic trial at Warmden. Our personality study tells the story of Arthur Dovey, one of the riders that could make a big Triumph twin talk, and finally we present a photoreport of the Fiftieth Talmag Trophy trial, back in 1998. Another full issue, 50+ pages and lots of new photographs included in our growing Photoserendipity feature. ISSUE 16 In this issue we start the serialisation of a book by Max King that never made it into print. Entitled 'Thirty Years of Motor Sport' it gives a unique insight into the life of a freelance motor sport journalist and broadcaster. We have a photoreport of the 1978 Allan Jefferies trial with a look at the machines in use at that time and a glimpse into a typical offroading weekend in the Spring of 2002 as well as a close look at the Talmag Trophy trial in 2001, always a well supported event with lots to see. Finally another new feature - a photo gallery with no particular emphasis - just a random selection from the archive - with a gentle reminder that if there are any particular machines or riders you would like to see - just ask - it is an interactive magazine... ISSUE 15 In Issue 15 we take a light-hearted and topical look at the effect of snow and ice on our sports. We tell the story of Ken Sedgely, another sports all-rounder and complete our detailed analysis of the development of the AJS and Matchless Competition Models - definitely the most comprehensive ever published. In this issue we also introduce a new feature with an extended photogallery of images from each of our offroad sports over the years, in the hope that it will generate requests for more detailed examination of aspects of the sport, such as the stories of specific riders or different types of machines, etc. We are determined to extend the scope of this new digital venture to take real advantage of the interactive opportunities the media presents. ISSUE 14 Our second installment of ORRe for the new year, number fourteen, is a bumper 60 page+ issue! In it we continue the detailed look into the AJS/Matchless Competition Machine development. Also, after a subscriber asked for more details of BSA sidecar supremo Hal Tozer, we tell his competition history. We look at the way our sport developed in Cheshire and finally, we take an exhaustive look at the post-War ISDT events in Mid-Wales. A very busy issue - but, enjoy ISSUE 13 In our first Issue of 2015 we continue the detailed analysis of the development of the AJS and Matchless competition machines, completing the rigid era and looking at the first springers. We pose the question 'Who was the first American to win an ISDT gold medal?' with an answer that may surprise you. Richmond's Blue Bar trial was thirty years old last year, we tell the story of its early years and also look at some of the riders who have enjoyed the event and, finally, with entries closing shortly for the 2015 March Hare trial we look back at the 1994 event, when 185 riders enjoyed the spring scenery of the Cotswolds, finishing with a look at the machinery in classic trials in the West country in 2002.
ISSUE 12 In this issue we take a reflective look at the ISDT up to the 1950 event, plus a feature on the machines in use at the 1979 Northern Experts trial. There is also a reference photograph of a 1981 works prototype Montesa.
The major contribution in this issue is the continuation of the development story of the rigid AJS/Matchless competition machines - to the best of our knowledge the most comprehensive detail ever published."
ISSUE 11 In Issue 11 we continue our story of the First Hundred Years of the Scott Trial and start a new series analysing in detail the development of the AJS and Matchless Competition Machines. We also have an illustrated feature of a unique monoshock BSA Gold Star scrambler, and a unique photograph of the very first development 175cc BSA Bantam in action and with the story of the Sammy Miller trials series continuing we also take a look back at the trials scene in the Welsh valleys, including details of the super-sporting Mitchell trial.
ISSUE 10 Issue ten continues our story of the 'First Hundred Years of the Scott Trial'. Following our look at Rob Shepherd trying Mick Grant's little Drayton Bantam we include a photo report from Barry Robinson of Rob's first practice session on his own new Drayton Bantam. We start a new series, analysing the history of the International Six Days Trial, fully illustrated and, as the story develops we have unearthed archive photographs never previously published. The story of the early years of the Sammy Miller series continues, again with many images seen for the first time - and a glimpse of what may well have been the first ever monoshock model seen in offroad competition - which will be featured in a full report in issue 11. ISSUE NINE In this issue we feature a rare machine, the Royal Enfield ISDT Bullet - normally Redditch offered Meteor twins - plus exclusive images of a brand new Mini-Otter. We continue the story of the past hundred years of the Scott Trial and include a feature of the Celebrations at the Start of the 2014 event, we have a comprehensive analysis of the post-War Ariel competition models, a further look at the continuing story of the Sammy Miller Series plus the continuation of the serialised version of 'Lochaber Rich Mixture'. ISSUE EIGHT In Issue eight we take a first look at the Sammy Miller Trials Championship, which will be explored in full detail in forthcoming issues, we continue the serialisation of the Scottish Six Days Trial fully illustrated history and also the Scott Trial, as the Centenary approaches. Don Morley gives details of a Lost BSA Works 250 - with a twin-cylinder motor, no less - and we have details of a unique space-age framed Scorpion trials model plus a test of a current Drayton Bantam trials model. ISSUE SEVEN In issue seven of ORRe we continue our detailed look at the most famous of Trials, the Scottish Six Days and the Scott Trial over the years and also start a new series of features on sidecar Trials through the years. The troubled story of Dennis Jones, who rode Suzuki and Sprite works trials machines to considerable success in his day, is told and finally we answer the question: "When was Grey Mare's Ridge first used as a section in the SSDT?" ISSUE SIX In this issue we profile two characters who have contributed in different ways to motorcycle sport over the years. Ian Pollock, the Lochaber man who found many of the popular SSDT sections and Don Evans who rode works Royal Enfields to many successes in the post-war years, including six national trials, four ISDT gold medals as well as representing Great Britain in the Moto-Cross des Nations. We continue the illustrated histories of the Scott Trial and the SSDT, look at some interestingly different machinery in Kinlochleven - and follow that with details of two machines never described in publications before, a 250cc rigid Royal Enfield trials model and a revolutionary single-cylinder two-stroke 300cc Scott. ISSUE FIVE With 51 pages in this latest issue including, as usual, many never seen before photos, Issue Five takes a look at the life of all-rounder Dai Jeremiah, we have a new feature on some of the more famous sections of the Scottish Six Days Trial, our serialisation of the Lochaber Rich Mixture book continues and with the Scott Trial Centenary getting ever closer we continue our history of this famous Trial. We also look at some of the more interesting machines spotted at the Scottish Pre-65 Trial over the years and review the 45 year riding career of Gordon Adsett. ISSUE FOUR With 52 pages of Classic goodness, Issue four takes an extensive look at the Saracen marque, we continue our serialisation of the Lochaber Rich Mixture book, we look at the history of Cotton Motorcycles and, of course, we continue our history of the famous Scott Trial in the build-up to this year's centenary event - all accompanied by many exclusive and never seen before photos. ISSUE THREE In this bigger 50 page issue Deryk pays tribute to the late Dave Bickers, we continue the serialisation of the popular Lochaber Rich Mixture book, we take a look at the life and career of Eric Cheney and, of course, we continue our series on the history of the famous Scott Trial in the run-up to this year's centenary. ISSUE TWO In Issue Two of OFF ROAD REVUe we take a look back at the British Experts Trial in the 1970's, the serialisation of the Lochaber Rich Mixture book continues, we look back at the history of the Greeves marque, memories from the Scottish Pre-65 Trial and we continue our history of the famous Scott Trial as it approaches it's centenary. ISSUE ONE In the 40 pages of this opening issue you will find features on Mr. Telford - Alan Wright, Personalities of the SSDT takes a look back at Bob Paterson, we start a series of articles on the famous Scott Trial in the run-up to this year's centenary Trial, Don Morley's Talmag Trial reflections, our first excerpt from the noted Lochaber Rich Mixture book, which will be serialised though future issues, a look back at the 2013 Reeth Three Day Trial and much more. Here above is the new link to Off-Road-Revue- Magazine. Deryk... pictured here, by Ian Ballard... 
Here Deryk is riding his newly refurbished Ariel HT5 in which he has just fitted the camshaft etc, even the engine. from the famous GOV132. Here Deryk poses with the first Unit BSA B40 that Jim Susans ever restored. Wow What a bike.
It was ORR that I first got most of my material for the "BSA Otter". Reading all Ninety Nine copies over a period, and then also the hard back Reference Libraries as well, gave me a good insight to the History of the BSA Competition Department their bikes and the competitions that they competed in, over the years. ~~~~~~~ And this was the first picture I found of "Mr Harry Foster" and his wife Carol. Aboard their Immaculate Triumph trials outfit that they finished second in the British Experts trial on. 