This page is the celebration of

100 years of the,

Colmore Cup Trial.



Did you just not Love this day's events?

I talk too Ted Freeman and Dave some of my old trials friends from the sixties... with old dog "Winnie"...



The Face of Cotswold motorcycle Sport ! And My Hero!  Ron Langston, and Son...John...(Reggie)...



The Late Gordon Jackson enjoying himself.



Could it get any better than this...



Peter Stirland on his Greeves with the upright bars.



And a bit closer shot of Peter.



And Ken Sedgley, one time builder of the "British Rival" motorcycle brand...



Still with the same concentration needed by a true class sportsman.



Like Father like Son!   John(Reggie) Langston,

     "Just look at the determination on that boys face."



And the other Gordon! Blakeway, enjoying the Day of nostalgia aboard Ariel GOV130...



Gordon "J"Jackson just warming up the Ron Langston ex works  350 Ariel HT for Gordon "B" Blakeway...



"Broadway Tower" Lunch stop, And a chance for a Natter with Old friends...



Just look at that glorious back drop of the Cotswold's for the event.



And Royal Enfield star Pat Brittian, with the same old flare, your last photo for today.


But there are more for the future. And lets hope we have another event like this before too long.




And organiser "Wright'y" (Alan Wright) just has to get in on the act.



Alan, I must say that this was one of the best events you, and the Stratford Club have Organized. And we would like another ? but not in 100 years. Thank's Guy's.

Thanks Pete for the Video.

And Lee Prescott for some stunning shots.


More later.




