These are New photographs I have found in the.

 "Otterman Archive",  Taken at the 2010...


Classic Trials Show...

Photos are by Neil Hawksworth, and Christine Tona.



Winner Day One, the late Great, Len Hutty.



Winner Day Two, Dave Wood, BSA C15...



Oxford Ixion Trials Sec. Ken O'Brien. CoTTon...Villiers.



Dave Dawson, "Mike Mills framed BSA", only just, it was an Faber "Otter" a couple of weeks before.



Mark Parry-Norton, Ariel 500 HT5.



Steve Ransom, Faber Mk2 "BSA Otter".



Steve Hay, Triumph Cub, with Triumph/BSA Four-stud forks fitted.



Ex Works, Royal Enfield, Crusader, Reg Number 250 RE.

Barrie Rodgers...



 George Greenland's Ariel HT 500, ridden by  Dick Ramplee.



Two Famous Trials riders, one from Oxford, one from Banbury, talking about a famous Trials BSA...

Bill Faulkner from Oxford and Ted Freeman from Banbury.

The bike the ex Brian Martin BSA C15, Reg BSA 250.

The bike that Bill brought to the show was the BSA Victor with the 105 plate this is the actual bike that Pat Slinn rode in the ISDT...More on Pat's page...



More bikes with history... The rigid Ariel is one of the three frames and bikes built using the drawings from Ariel by the late Jim Susan

The Red BSA C15 is the one that won best in show, owned by Jim Rose... and the BSA 500 is said to be the ex Bill Nickleson machine. 



Or This one from Mr  J Tye...

There are more if you want them? Just ask!.


OK... you have asked for a few more photos .

here they are.



Mick Andrews aboard the MAR Ossa.. a Page on this bike...



Ian Hannam, and Sue Smith, at work.



Alan Wright (Wrighty) at play, I know he was a tax man! but surly you should have a day off...



Explanation. Ariel HT 5  Bike courtesy of Mick Ash.

( and the  Road fund Tax disc )



Patrik Swenson, BSA C15 T Taking his own line, as he did all week-end...

You want More?



This is some of the sidecar action shots there are more, I will do another compilation.


Heres a Crew that you don't see often.



Henry Gaunt, and Jill Andrews. See everyone had fun that week end.


More later and New information Later...and photos...

