BMCA ,Best Of British 2017.
A new season of BMCA trials has started
Just a quick note.
To ride in these trials there is one stipulation the machine and all its external parts need to be Made in Britain.
That's It Made In Britain.
So don't put a pair of Japanese or Spanish forks and wheels on and expect to be in the results.
It could be a 2017, twinshock if it is to the above spec.
Machine eligibility – All machines must utilize engine, gearbox, carburetor, frame, hubs of British manufacture. Note *FORKS are impossible to police BUT it is important to maintain the silhouette for the period. ~~~~~~~ |
So Trial One of the Season
Charlie > to Al,---- Who said, {I see you have used a couple of interesting photos. on the report.}
Hi Al.
I used the couple of photos, as I am having trouble with the two you sent, it has happened before, and the ones I got from Wilf were the same.
Do you recon it is him blocking them.
Miss that old boy..
Regards Charlie.
"Wilf Couldwell 1936- 2017."
Charlie, Indeed, it could very well be Wilf!
If you have a space to promote it, my BMCA Midlands Air Ambulance Charity Trial is on Sunday 29th October at Easthope, on Wenlock Edge, about 4 miles from Much Wenlock on B4371. Good flat parking.

A main rotor gearbox for one of their three Eurocopter EC135's will set you back £261,000... I'll bring a collecting tin for the helicopter then! The Clubmen sections will be plotted to suit rigids and gentlemen classes, but all BMCA classes welcome. Email or Telephone for more info. Tel 01694 724717
Thanks Charlie. Al Ussher
Report on BMCA Members riding in the Two Day Scottish.
Evening Charlie. Sending you this to consider for web site.
Make any changes if necessary. Hope you are well, Al .
Six of our regular BMCA riders travelled to Kinlochleven for the Pre 65 Scottish. How did they get on?
Dave Wood reported that he was just relieved to have finished the trial! The machine still needs work to get it to ride as he wants. The Pete Kirby longstroke BSA motor of about 340cc capacity, is housed in a Drayton frame with MP forks. But it's fighting everywhere, Wood says! Gerry Minshall suffered a puncture with the James on the way to Black Water on the Friday, and missed some sections. But he rode on Saturday and had a good time all the same!
The 270cc C15 Drayton of Mark Lucas never had a spanner near it... and Lucas says it was a very good event, but very hard for the old folks... A former rally man, Lucas didn't take up trials until his late forties! One section in a stream started from a one bike length and you had to climb a 3 foot vertical stone wall. "I did get up the wall, and I did try every section" No "can I have a five" for this rider. He was keen to point out the help offered by well known riders, namely Dan Thorpe who pulled the BSA out of a section, and James Noble, when the chain came off. "The bike was amazing, as usual" So says Graham Greaves. A rear puncture on day one over the last five sections meant a limp home with just 8 minutes to spare... Greaves admits to "being out of my depth" in a few sections, but climbed the Pipeline for a one. Now that can't be bad!!! A fantastic experience, says this first timer, who cannot wait to get back up there! And he takes his hat off to Jim Pickering. Haste ye back, as the Scots say. Villiers Services supremo Steve Gollings was another rider who "never put a spanner" on his Drayton framed iron barrelled 37A. Before the event, Steve had been trying out a lighter flywheel, up at Hawk's Nest. Making her snappier was the way to go, he says, easier to get the front end light. And he adds that it was great to go around with Drayton boss Pickering, on his Bantam Drayton, and see him get a finish, too. That little bike ticks over like a watch, I've heard say!
We all raise our flat caps to the man from Kidder! And to his Drayton 350cc Triumph Twin, which in the hands of Gary Macdonald, a Kinlochleven resident, took the Premier, after winning last year on a wee Bantam Drayton!!! Hammertight .
Photographers unknown, but acknowledged with thanks.
photos later.
The headline should read - Brittain wins on Enfield - because at Milwich in Sunday's BMCA trial, Ian Brittain took the clubman class on a 350 Enfield he has built.
Ian is the son of works Royal Enfield and Dot rider Pat Brittain.

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott.
Pat Brittian riding the Jim Pickering prepared Royal Enfield Bullet Trials, At the Colmore Cup Revisitation.
Evening Charlie, Reporter Dave Wood, on his BMCA trial at Milwich. Regards, Al...
Photo Courtesy "Otterman"...
Dave Wood 2016 IOM Classic trial.
A small entry of just 18 riders turned out for the latest BMCA trial at Milwich, but on a positive note all seemed to enjoy the event and liked the venue.
Following some fairly heavy rain over the last week, the ground was very wet when preliminary inspections for section plotting took place a few days ago. Most sections were marked out on Friday with the ground a little drier but still quite wet but by Saturday it had begun to improve and looked ideal for some slippery cambers and roots to take a few marks from the winners in each class. What was unexpected for Milwich was warm temperatures and a reasonable wind which dried things considerably overnight and during the morning which meant the sections were in a very forgiving mood and didn't deteriorate as they often can as a trial progresses.
In the Experts, the intention was to take maybe just under 10 marks from the winner. Jim Pickering had other ideas and produced a really good and consistent ride to lose just 1 mark in total. Although the sections weren't quite as challenging as intended, this was a great ride nonetheless as there were still numerous places a careless mark could be lost amongst the cambered turns and climbs that characterise this venue. His 1 mark loss came on the muddy first turn of section 6 whilst cleaning the difficult root infested cambered exit on every visit. A dab - on a muddy turn - on a grippy Bantam.... Jimbo !!! Put it down to unfamiliarity with the new bike... Second place was a close scoring finish between Kev Taylor and Bill Woodcock with Kev taking second by 1 mark, 6 against 7, with Bill's 5 on section 8 costing him the place.
The Inters was won by Mike Butler with a seven mark advantage over second placed Ernie Johnson, which meant that the get off and dumping of himself and the Bantam to the floor just before the exit of section 5 on his last visit didn't prove as costly as it might have done... Mike definitely takes the award for most spirited attempt on the muddy part of section 6, gunning the Bantam through the gunge on full beans and riding high up the bank to float through what was a difficult section feet up. Nice. Second place in this class was another close finish with Ernie just taking it by one mark from Dave Jones.
In the Clubman class, BMCA newcomer Ian Brittain took his very original Enfield round with 4 marks lost for a 3 mark win over George Houghton, whose 6 mark loss on Malcolm Holden's section proved very costly. Steve Leyshon may well have been in contention for the win had he not wanted to get his Bantam wet on lap 1 on Malcolm's section, adding 5 marks to his score by missing out most of the stream on the run out to the end. Once again second and third places were seperated by only 1 mark with Dave Harrison following George home on 8 marks lost.
So although not many riders turned out, thanks to all that did, we had decent weather, everyone seemed happy so all in all, an enjoyable day. Reporter: Dave Wood. Photo: Hammertight Second placeman George Houghton (Drayton Bantam) and don't forget the observer... all-weathers Malcolm Holden. Results: Clubman: Ian Brittain (RE) 4, George Houghton (Ban) 7, Dave Harrison (BSA) 8, Stephen Leyshon (Ban) 10, Gordon Wright (Ban) 10, Gerry Munslow (BSA) 17, Andy Hunt (Villiers Drayton) 26, John Nyons (Ban) 33. Inters: Mike Butler (Ban) 16, Ernie Johnson (Cub) 23, Dave Jones (BSA) 24, Martin Taylor (Hipkin Sprite) 34. Experts: Jim Pickering (Ban) 1, Kev Taylor (C15) 6, Bill Woodcock (Ban) 7, Paul Munslow (BSA) 9, Laurence Alden (BSA) 26, Les Richardson (Villiers) 52.
Photos Later.

A Bunch of Triumph Drayton's Growwwwwwwwl.
Many thanks to Stephen Leyshon and Andy Hunt for laying out the sections and to observers – Neil Roberton, Ray Barrett, Nigel Twigger, Susan Jones, Ken Taylor, Amanda Fellows, Tim Harper and Jim Teague.
NEXT BMCA TRIAL SUNDAY 15th October 2017. Andy Pitt/Jim Pickering. Waterfall, Hereford. HR6 0PL.
Bowley Court, Bowley Village, Leominster, south on A49. Left A417. Approx.. 2 miles to Bowley.
Report and pictures later.
"Lucas lights up the Waterfall"
An Autumn gold morning, and thirty BMCA competitors gathered at the Waterfall, Herefordshire, with its up hill, down hill, across cambers, tree roots, stream, mud, rock steps, and the big looming waterfall providing a great backdrop. One of the section plotters, Mark Lucas (BSA), celebrated his first ever BMCA Intermediate win, with 8 marks to the good over John Jacka (Matchless).
Lucas was a bit concerned that the vee in section 9 was too narrow for his 270cc Drayton C15 with Triumph 500 piston and roller bearings in the crank.
Inspiration took over when he watched Jacka ease the big Matchless through for a solidary mark, and Lucas followed suite.
Tim Harper and Dave Jones (BSAs) finished on 16 apiece, with the first 'stroker, the Cotton of Craig Richardson, brought home on 18. Hollywood star, Andy Hunt (Villiers) stole the limelight in the Clubmans by a single mark from Luke Stratton (Ban) with Martin MacKenzie (BSA) just another mark adrift.
Hunt has clinched the old single class wins not for the first time, and those wins on his Matchless and BSAs stretch back into the oily mists... Pete Dawson has checked the records and found that the BSA carried him to a Clubmans win at Pattingham in 2016!
John Cope's Scrapyard of a Saturday morning is the location of the Youth Training Academy, of which Hunt, "youth" Stratton and MacKenzie are amongst the students.
Proof that "threats" do work is evident in the outstanding Clubman results, under the principal, Mr Wells...
Indeed, the advertising blurb for the Academy reads "The training methods are largely ignored because they involve such devious techniques as using the clutch and the brakes, and so the section boundaries are only guidelines.
In accordance with pupils' demands, green and yellow flags are used when laying out the sections.
If red and blue are used, then the section is deemed too hard".
But perhaps the most striking aspect is the Academy calorie regime, followed by tea, sausage rolls and doughnuts but in no particular order. The Experts were faced with some big climbs and tight turns on the banks, with Pete Read on the Triumph Twin and the others making it look easy, but a fellow competitor alluded to some "bottom clinchers" in the process.
Never putting a foot wrong, and scoring his second premier this season, was Drayton supremo
Jim Pickering.
Photo Later.

Photo Courtesy Manx Trials Club.
Just a Photo to show even when your editor is on Holiday he is still at work even with his phone taking snaps.
Rob Boyer Triumph in the Manx Classic Trial 2013.
Snapping at his 4 ply were Steven Hay and Nathan Jones (BSAs) on a single mark each.
Both lost on section five, furthest away from the paddock, and a section which began with a muddy climb which was carried onto the straight rocks, and got progressively more difficult to clean.
The event organiser, Andy Pitt, was loaned a "factory" Drayton and soon got the hang of it, but still couldn't beat the managing director! Still, a good 4th finish.
Micky Parkes (Ban) had a serious five on section 9, but whether the flashing marker "Holden" lights had any effect, is not known.
A spot-on trial, and although the loyal observers (and the canine Scruff) had a fair bit of walking to do, there were no complaints!
Only one retirement - Dave Taylor (BSA) who won at Hunnington, hit a rock hard with the front wheel approaching section 8, and was struggling with a jarred elbow.
Report by Hammertight with additional reporting by Keith Wells, Andy Hunt and Mark Lucas.

Photo Courtesy the Dawson Archive.
Dave Dawson tries the Original Drayton BSA Bantam.
Clifton On Teme.
BMCA Report/photo by Hammertight, with very useful inputs from Mark Lucas, Joe Owen, Dave Thomas and Les Richardson to make it all reasonably accurate.
A very windy start to the day left the sections remarkably dry, and twenty seven BMCA competitors lined up at Clifton on Teme, to take-on the hazards devised by Mark Lucas and Jim Pickering.
During the night, the local sheep thought the cardboard markers a bit tasty and took over as clerks of course...
The first five sections were along the banks, with the Pickering trademark of cambered turns, and the rest in the wood.
"Big old drops" was one rider's take... and "Jim's Good Turns" were to take marks galore from the Intermediates.
It was second win in seven days for the trial organiser, and the Lucas 270c Drayton C15 sounded just right on the throttle.
Dave Jones was five marks down.
Plonking the BSA through Malcolm Holden's section five, he clipped a "well placed" blue marker on the camber climb out, and Lucas had it in the bag.
Tim Harper (BSA) slotted into third.
Making its first appearance after a summertime build, was the nickel coated Bartram framed "about" 375cc Ariel, the work of Dave Thomas. Thomas was using the event to shake down the plot, and reckoned that the rear sprocket "could do with a couple more teeth".
Dave Harrison swept up the Clubmens Class on his BSA, with a ten mark buffer from Jerry Munslow, who had found some novel way of keeping his feet pinned to the pegs of the little BSA.
A close run result, though, for Luke Stratton (Ban) was just a mark adrift.
Newcomer Morgan Henshaw was entered on a most original 1954 4 speeder rigid Francis-Barnett.
It was only his second trial, and the first had been two years earlier... sufficient time to allow the 197 Villiers mill to cool down...
Henshaw was taking his time, keen to learn and watch.
Alas, a tree wandered into his path and he was sent flying skywards, and dented the flywheel saucepan lid cover..."Had to stop to repair it" he quipped!
It was victory number three for expert Steve Hay (BSA).
Hay lost all his marks on section 10, with Steve Jones on the pencil. Hay, Paul Munslow (Ban) and Peter Archer (BSA) showed their masterery by air flicking the turn over the tree roots.
Modern style Pre65, blast it!
Cotswold BSA mounted Nathan Jones was rueing his bad luck after an uncharacteristic five on Martin MacKenzie's section 4 lost him the trial. Bill Woodcock held on to a good third place on the Bantam.
The big Meriden Twin of Pete Reed found the tight turn on section one a tad tight, but got its own back and broke the tree stump clear out of the ground, much to the joy of the other experts.
Kings Norton Club was well represented in the Observers Class! MacKenzie had twisted an ankle on the Saturday at Cope's Youth Academy. Martin Taylor had discovered that the Hipkin Sprite forks needed attention, found during the weekly fettle, and his father, Ken, was again very welcome in charge of section two.
Results: Clubmen: Dave Harrison (BSA) 5, Jerry Munslow (Ban) 15, Luke Stratton (Ban) 16, George Houghton (Ban) 17, Graham Archer (BSA) 23, Graham Bradley (DMW) 26, Andrew Mitchell (C15) 30, Ray Barrett (Royal Enfield) 36. Inters: Mark Lucas (C15) 14, Dave Jones (BSA) 19, Tim Harper (BSA) 24, Joe Owen (Ban) 27, Ernie Johnson (Cub) 38, Mark Strong (Ban) 49, Dave Thomas (Ariel) 54. Experts: Up to 350cc: Steve Hay (BSA) 4, Nathan Jones (Cotswold BSA) 7, Bill Woodcock (Ban) 13, Paul Munslow (BSA) 22, Laurence Alden (BSA) 28, Peter Archer (BSA) 29, Steve Gollings (Villiers) 33, Les Richardson (Villiers) 47. Over 350cc: Pete Reed (Triumph) 63. Archive Photo: Laurence Alden on his BSA. Plus two on the day photos by courtesy of Dave Thomas - Morgan Henshaw and the 1954 rigid Francis-Barnett. The Thomas 375cc Bartram Ariel
Air Ambulance Trial Report.
Charlie, Here's the Report.
Forty-one competitors and enthusiasts traversed Wenlock Edge in South Shropshire to support the 4th BMCA Air Ambulance trial at Easthope.
Five rigids, all of different marques, were amongst an interesting variety of machinery.
The 1932 250cc Lightweight OK Supreme, in the capable hands of Dave Beddoes, was a delight to see circulating this ancient wood. Fossils amongst the rocks on section three are evidence that this land was once upon a time a tropical sea...
A five on Ken Taylor's section ten, where hidden roots began to surface in the twisty bit, stung Beddoes, but he emerged four marks ahead of Dave Jones on the mist-green Bantam.
The handlebar mounting on the Supreme, designed to raise the height, is a lovely piece of work which blends in so well with the girders that it could almost date back to the thirties, itself, and a "scrounged" five minute run on this machine in the paddock was intoxicating!
She runs a bit hot though, says Beddoes.
Steve Jones on the Progressive Classics Products Ajay settled for third. An Earles fork 1953 DOT was reported to be "touring after increased handling difficulties had led to altercations with trees".
The cause was found to be the weight of the air ambulance collecting tin, lashed to the steering, becoming too heavy as folk stuffed in their cash!
A superb £500 plus, including a substantial sum from a rider who had been taken for a ride in one of the Eurocopter 135's after an excursion from his BSA in a section a year or so ago, was generated to help keep the whirlybirds in the air...Thank's Pete.
Hard luck story goes to Morgan Henshaw whose very original 1954 7E Francis-Barnett broke a throttle cable.
The favourite muddy climb of section nine had dried up!
And so Clubman Dave Taylor stole the show to clean the trial on his BSA.
Ian Brittain, on what else but a Royal Enfield, parted with just a one on scrambler Andy Lane's section.
Having slipped across into England, John Dutton on his very rare Firefly was third, tying with Colwyn Darlow (Cub) who along with fellow Tiger Cub rider Gary Ferriman, had travelled all the way from Stamford and Nottingham.
Fastest time of the day had to be veteran Shropshire Lad John Davies, who fair galloped the big Triumph up section nine, much to the approval of observer Nick Woolley, himself a big bike exponent.
In the Intermediates, it was that man Mark Lucas again in top place, on the big C15 Drayton.
Mike Butler (Ban) was five adrift, followed by Mark Strong (Ban) on fifteen.
The Cub of Kevin Walker wasn't running right, with suspected dirt in the jets.
Still getting used to his Bartram framed Ariel was Dave Thomas, who kept in front of Luke Stratton on the ex-Andy Hunt Bantam.
Stratton is doing well in the inters class, but will remember section eight, a tricky climbing right hander over nicely placed roots to upset the rear wheel, and which cost him thirteen marks - unlucky maybe... The tension was palpable amongst the top experts as they rode out the last lap.
Nathan Jones, out for the second time on father Dave's 250 Royal Enfield, was leading into the last section on that last lap.
This machine was bought from Sammy Miller several years ago, and was keenly inspected by visitor Pat Brittain.
Section ten had been eased slightly by the kindly plotters, since last year.
But the tricky squeeze over roots and between trees had to be precise, and when Ken Taylor pencilled in a five against the Enfield rider, it was Jim Pickering who leapt into first place.
Mind you, Bill Woodcock, credited with second, was also on eight marks, having lost three ones and a two on Natalie Forman's section six...
Out on a new Drayton framed C15, Kev Taylor tied with Jones and Steve Hay (BSA) and Micky Parkes(Ban) were on eleven apiece.
The bomb-hole horseshoe of section two, discovered by local rider John Pinches some years ago, caused the experts some concern, and Pickering remembers it well from that time as being a tough one to clean...
And on Sunday, it caught him for a five, duly awarded by Stephen Leyshon!
Ady Green (Francis-Barnett) was making a welcome return to Easthope, and the sight and sound of the Gold Star ridden by Kev Ellis were just what trials enthusiasts thrive on!
But on this first day of winter timing, it was the helicopter which really won, thanks to the generous and appreciative trials people of the BMCA. Hammertight.
Photographs courtesy Eric Miles. 3939 - Morgan Henshaw Francis - Barnett 4060 - Dave Jones - Bantam 4091 - Steve Jones - Progressive Classic Products AJS 4094 - Dave Beddoes - 1932 250cc OK Supreme 4098 -
Observers Sue Jones, and Andy Lane, with 1953/4 DOT in rigid form with Air Ambulance tin...
Photos later.
Sue Jones, and Andy Lane, with Al's 1954 D.O.T. rigid works replica.

Dave Beddoes, 1932 250 OK Supreme...

Morgan Henshaw, Francis Barnett...

Steve Jones, AJS...

Photos Courtesy Eric Miles...
Dave Jones, D1 BSA Bantam...
BMCA Knighton.
The approach roads to Knighton were awash with water and rain was still falling as 29 BMCA competitors assembled at this old scramble track at Knighton.
But suddenly the skies turned blue and the sound and smell of British machines brought this lovely old venue back to life.
Rumours were that the "R" racing oil in the BSA of a scrambler turned trialsman for the day was a blend from a well known Shrewsbury company... twenty miles away as the crow flies, and to the right of the Wrekin Hill, beloved by Shropshire folk.
John Jackson and Steve Whitehouse, a Greeves man, had set out ten sections on the Thursday... and then the resident "wool pack" duly modified the course by chewing up the markers.
Dave Beddoes entered the Rigids class, but the dropping camber over roots on Malcolm Holden's section made him think twice about the girders of the 1932 OK Supreme going cross-threaded...and he took a five.
On the other hand, Andy Hunt never saw a five all day, and was the lone Clubman in single figures at the end.
But it could have ended spectacularly... a shaky feeling in the steering of the Villiers Drayton was found to be that the axle nuts on the right hand fork leg hadn't been tightened!
Ian Brittain was having problems with the carburation on the Royal Enfield, and then the handlebars wouldn't stay put in a new top yoke just fitted.
A third "locking" screw is on the cards. Fellow RE rider Ray Barratt lent Brittain an adjustable spanner - luckily it was a Whitworth size - and soon the Enfield was back in the game.
Somewhat bizzarily, the next incident was when Brittain spotted a fork filler plug screw as he wound the Enfield up section 10, the Big Hill.
The fork screw was his own, from the Enfield, lying where it had fallen unmissed sometime before! Talk about luck!
John Duncombe (BSA) lost three more than Brittain to finish third.
The lone Cotton of Craig Richardson needed some heavy handed persuasion to emerge from a deep gulley out of section nine, and the rear chain tension was now a tad tight, he worried.
In the Intermediates, Joe Owen took the honours, but not before ditching the Bantam in the river, much to the delight of our cameraman... on section nine.
But even so, he was still five marks clear of Dave Jones (BSA).
An on form John Colclough took his Greet James into third.
Lui Farinaccio was regaling about the power of the 250cc 8E bottom end Villiers Drayton he'd borrowed from Wayne Hyde.
Section one, in the coppice, had a few tricky turns, under the watchful eyes of Acorns Club's Ian Whittall, and after five more similar sections, the course then gave riders a chance to catch back a breath on the long run down the field to where Paul Guise, having travelled all the way from Blackburn, was waiting by the river. Kevin Walker had been a bit concerned about a weak scavenge oil return on his Cub during start-up, but was well into his second lap, thrashing the little Triumph through the deep mud exit of section nine, when something "let go" with much smoke!
He says oil was still dripping from the motor on Monday morning.
In the Experts, Steve Hay (BSA) only parted with three marks, ahead of Bill Woodcock (Ban) who was caught for three, to double his tally, on the last lap on the Hill, and tied with Nathan Jones (Drayton C15).
Mick Parkes can always be relied upon to turn out with some new "ideas of his" and this time it was a horizontally fitted and adapted Piaggio fan to cool the Bantam cylinder head...
It was all too soon to hand back the course to the sheep... but not before listening to veterans reminiscing about the days when sidecars were scrambled on the Big Hill - straight up!
Results: Clubman: Andy Hunt (Villiers) 9, Ian Brittain (Royal Enfield) 20, John Duncombe (BSA) 23, Stephen Layshon (Ban) 31, John Davies (Triumph Twin) 40, Mick Beech (BSA) 42. Inters: Joe Owen (Ban) 11, Dave Jones (BSA) 16, John Colclough (James) 21, Lui Farinaccio (Villiers Drayton) 25, Craig Richardson (Cotton) 36, Charles Millington (James) 37 Experts up to 350cc: Steve Hay (BSA) 3, Bill Woodcock (Ban) 6, Nathan Jones (BSA) 6, Kevin Taylor (Drayton C15) 8, James Beddoes (Villiers) 10, Mick Parkes (Ban) 16.
Over 350cc: Pete Reed (Triumph Twin) 46.
Hammertight with photos courtesy Eric Miles. 4175: Les Richardson - Villiers 4324: Joe Owen - Bantam 4420: Ray Barratt - Crusader Ian Brittain - Bullet 4381: Nathan Jones - Drayton C15 4399: Ian Brittain on the Big Hill. 4400: Bill Woodcock - Ban.

Photos courtesy Eric Miles.
Ian Brittain, on the Big Hill...

Ray Barratt - Crusader, Ian Brittain, - Bullet...
Wilderley Trial Report.
Pics. 4488 - Kev Ellis foot-up on the ex Bob Greenhough Gold Star 4471 - Mick Parkes 4496- Stephen Leyshon 4484- Mike Butler 4458- this is Danny Littlehales trying the latest Drayton 4525 - Ian and Pat Brittain chat Enfield folklore with Kev Taylor and John Hughes. 4530 - Tony Williams and Company. Look at the Royal Enfield dual seat!!! 4507 - Paul Munslow had just scooped some water onto a hot Bantam...
The paths of enthusiasts converged in the single-track winding lanes of South Shropshire, climbing towards Wilderley, with the beacon hill of The Wrekin standing guard on the skyline.
Former rider Malcolm Holden, an inveterate observer, had travelled eighty miles to this wooded course.
With mud, water and rockery to conjure with, the ten sections had been set-out by Nigel Houlston, John Hughes, John Davies and Andy Lane.
The land-owner has preserved this area for the benefit of the feet-up folk.
Making a welcome return was Tony Williams, with a long record of riding and then section planning to his name.
The very latest Drayton Bantam was in the line-up, and Jim Pickering confided that it was the best yet... Work on the silencer has evidently paid dividends.
She ticks over like a watch, quipped Pickering!
The Cub of Kevin Walker, which had oil pouring from every orifice at Knighton, was now running sweetly again.
A new oil pump had been fitted about 4 years back, complete with the supplied balls and springs that sit behind the pump to stop wet sumping.
Strip down revealed that the ball on the scavenge side had wedged itself in the passageway, with its spring broken.
The ball had to be "ferretted" out and was found to be the exact size of the passageway.
New springs and smaller balls have now been fitted.
"A tweak every week" is attributed to Mick Parkes, by the Cub owner... but this time he'd gone a tweak too far!
On the sharp climb from the stream in section nine, the fan-cooled Bantam baulked and Parkes was sent flying. "Shawe wont rev-out, moyte" he exclaimed, on his hands and knees still trying to pin down an errant Bantam...
Soon after, Gary Hawkins came a right old cropper on the same climb, and then, cor blimey, along comes Les Richardson, wallops down the forks, the Villiers takes-off and Richardson was forced to land solo with a bounce...or two.
Somewhat detuned, he was to be seen footing his way around on the last lap. Lead rider in the Clubmans was Stephen Leyshon.
The canny Bantam man is no stranger to the rostrum.
Andy Hunt was trailing by eleven marks on the Villiers, with Ian Brittain (Royal Enfield) in third place.
Much discussion on Enfield folklore was the talk in the paddock afterwards, with Ian and Pat Brittain, John Hughes and Kev Taylor.
The Inters saw Mike Butler (Ban) just pip Kevin Walker (220 Cub) by one mark. This Cub has a Honda piston. Dave Jones (BSA) and Mark Strong tussled it out by a margin of seven marks.
The well supported Experts had Eccleshall, near Stafford, rider Danny Littlehales claim a victory on his derived from a Francis Barnett Villiers 37A engine Drayton frame. He said it was a good event.
But, also on seventeen lost, was Steve Hay on the 199 Cub.
Welcome visitor from the other side of Oswestry, James Francis (BSA) slotted into third, watched by father Roger Francis, who knows a trick or two about the feet-up game! His cousin, Roger Smith was another newcomer to Wilderley, and was trying out a "new" BSA in the Clubmans, taking fifth place.
Jim Pickering debuted the latest Drayton Bantam into fourth, with Kev Taylor on an beautifully prepared Drayton C15, a handful of marks in front of a fine show by Laurence Alden (Ban).
On his way to the trial, Alden ably demonstrated the art of reversing a trailer in a one track Shropshire lane when faced by a Land Rover plus trailer and a fork-lift tractor... no one told them there was a trial on!
The thirty eight marks lost on the 350 Gold Star by Kev Ellis was a very good result on sections which called for plenty of hard work on the BSA.
Another well fettled machine, this Gold Star was ex-Bob Greenhough.
Pete Reed fought well to coax the big Triumph Twin home, but on double the penalties.
Results: Clubman: Stephen Leyshon (Ban) 18, Andy Hunt (Villiers) 29, Ian Brittain (RE) 33, John Dunscombe (BSA) 35, Roger Smith (BSA) 38, Gerry Munslow (Ban) 44. Inters: Mike Butler (Ban) 48, Kevin Walker (Cub) 49, Dave Jones (BSA) 61, Mark Strong (Ban) 68. Experts up to 350cc: Danny Littlehales (FB) 17, Steve Hay (Cub)17, James Francis (BSA) 22, Jim Pickering (Drayton Ban) 27, Kev Taylor (C15 Drayton) 28, Laurence Alden (BSA) 33. Experts over 350cc: Kev Ellis (Gold Star) 38, Pete Reed (Tri Twin) 78. Report and Photos - Hammertight.
Photos Later...................
Photos Courtesy Hammertight,
Photo number 4525, "The Brittain's"

Photo 4530, Tony Williams...

Photo 4488, Kev Ellis, BSA Gold Star...
BMCA Trial, Mamble.
From the dry granite outcrops on the coast around 80K north of Barcelona, BMCA riders Charles Millington (Villiers) and John Colclough (James) made the trek back after the Costa Brava Two Day Classic Trial to join twenty seven other competitors who journeyed to this "Old School" trials country, at Mamble, in Worcestershire, which can give the course plotters a few headaches if the weather does not co-operate!
And so a damp morning greeted the riders willing to tackle the river, rocks, mud and climbs that this first class place has to offer... and carefully thought-out sections by Kevin Walker, Graham Bradley, Steve Leyshon and Les Richardson. AMCA scrambles ran here from the late fifties to the late sixties.
Then, Frank Green, the AMCA President, got chatting to neighbour John Colclough and mentioned that the land might be suitable for trials...
And so in 1977, Frank introduced John to the Jones family and a friendship was established which lasts until this very day with Richard Jones and the family.
The stream presented some hard work, cutting out many tree logs to open it up... and there is one such log which still bears the saw cuts even after the forty years since then!
But the place offered plenty of scope for the Pre 70 British brigade.
On Sunday, the Experts class ended up in an extremely close scrap between Nathan Jones (BSA) and Steve Hay (Cub), both ending on only five marks lost. Jones won on the greater number of cleans, but Hay excelled on section 7, observed by Peter Bennett, and which became harder as the trial progressed.
A few stray dabs elsewhere robbed Hay of the win this time.
Paul Howells slotted the Bantam into third, a further six marks adrift.
Just back after climbing in Nepal, it was a first ever Inters win for Graham Greaves, on board his new Drayton, by four marks from Joe Owen on a similar machine but resplendent with a sky blue paint scheme on the tank.
Mark Lucas on his C15 Drayton followed closely into third making it a 1-2-3 for the Drayton marque.
Mind you, they didn't have it all their way, because Dave Jones on a favourite BSA lost the same as Lucas, but had to give way with just two fewer cleans!
In the Clubman class, Luke Stratton continued his improvement in form and confidence to take top spot from Martin MacKenzie, who dropped his only five on section one, to spoil his day!
Ian Brittain was only a single mark back to clinch third on the big Royal Enfield, despite regularly tweaking the Monobloc to avoid a spit-back just when you don't want it...
Particular mention must be given to Steve Jones, manning sections one and two, and keeping the rabble under control.
And to Kath Handley, solely in command of a section for the first time since 1991, in the days when husband Brian, also observing, was campaigning on a Monoshoc Yamaha!
As the sun finally broke through, most riders were finished and packed-up, and went homewards smiling - so maybe we can look forward to doing it all again in February 2018 in this splendid Worcestershire landscape.
Hammertight in collusion with Kevin Walker, Luke Stratton, John Colclough and Graham Greaves. Report by Kevin Walker and Hammertight. Photos: Hammertight. 1199 - Winner Inters: Graham Greaves (Drayton) 3191 - Winner Clubman: Luke Stratton (BSA) 3275 - Winner Experts: Nathan Jones (BSA). 3258 - Keith Sly Results: Clubman: Luke Stratton (BSA) 27, Martin MacKenzie (BSA) 29, Ian Brittain (Royal Enfield) 30, Stephen Leyshon (Ban) 34, Keith Sly (BSA) 35, Steve Haines (BSA) 37. Inters: Graham Greaves (Drayton) 23, Joe Owen (Ban) 27, Mark Lucas (C15) 28, Dave Jones (BSA) 28, Ernie Johnson (BSA) 32, Kevin Walker (Cub) 34. Experts up to 350cc: Nathan Jones (BSA) 5, Steven Hay (Cub) 5, Paul Howells (BSA) 11, Jim Pickering (Drayton) 17, Paul Munslow (BSA) 19, Kev Taylor (BSA) 23. Over 350cc: Pete Reed (Triumph Twin) 59.
Photos Later.

A new page later with Photos the ones that got away..
Charlie, Best wishes to you for 2018,
and your BSA Otter Pages.
The beer mat spotted in a Ledbury Pub...

Photo And Report.
Leamington Victory venue.
Peter Archer stepped in when the Mucklestone trial was cancelled, and a few hardy souls ventured into the fold at a cold Moto Parc, which takes it's full name, the Victory 40 Moto Parc, coined by Colin Bullock, from the Leamington club's name, 40 from the local M40 and Moto Parc because Midshire MCC run grass-tracks on the main field.
Charlie. ~Oo> Know it well pass by there most days.
Trials events include a 2 Day Charity event, and in 2018 the
Solihull and Warwickshire Blood Bikers will be the chosen charity for a second time.
Brummie Archer is from Sparkbrook and what else would he ride, or could, but BSA's! He started on a Bantam, then an SS80 C15, and now an A10, B40, C15 and 150 and 175 Bantams... Son Peter has taken the B40 lump and it's been built into a Drayton frame kit.
The saturated ground held well, although the clay was treacherous, with slushy snow atop. A rider reports that even just looking at the ground in the wrong manner meant the front wheel losing grip!
There were ten well laid-out sections, by stalwart Archers, Ernie Johnson and Alan Halford, and grouped in a horseshoe pattern.
Johnson was in charge of section 1, a drop into and out of a culvert which looked worse that it rode.
It caught expert winner Steve Hay for an early five, but he then offset that by three cleans.
Onto sections 2 and 3, observed by Pete Reed, with ups and downs off banks and in and out of the culvert.
The water wasn't that deep, but some throttle-happy aggression was called for, to avoid a spin-off...
A frozen Natalie Foreman was keeping watch on 4 and 5, again in and out of the culvert, with many front wheels clawing the air on the climb out of 4.
Expert Giles Hixon (BSA) had the only all-cleans in class on 5,and again on 8. George Houghton (Bantam) recorded the only clubman all-cleans on section 5, a feat he also replicated on 8 and 10.
Speeding on to section 6, and Peter Archer was waiting to extract plenty of marks from the expert trio.
And in the inters, two cleans by Kevin Walker (Cub) were best.
Royal Enfield exponent Ray Barrett was having a go with the pencil on 7, a hazard which proved very tricky indeed...
It was altered to allow more of a run-in to get up a bank.
However, the challenge still remained and it could bite you in the back-side if concentration waned...
Hay lost a five here, but then proceeded later with three cleans.
That inveterate observer Malcolm Holden, had been enticed by headman Reed, to station himself on 8, apparently having been promised a patio heater to lure him away from the home fire burning...
In the event, no heater was to be found, and poor Holden joined the frozen, and was reported to be in distress.
But of course the show must go on, and sections 9 and 10 were in the hands of a course plotter, Halford.
There were no stings in the tail, here, much to the riders' delight, after a results-sheet well peppered with "foives..."
And so it was fare ye well, from this "new" venue, which in the past has hosted three ACU rounds of the Women and Girls Championship rounds...
and now those grateful Boys of the BMCA...
Results: Clubman: George Houghton (Bantam) 36, Luke Stratton (Bantam) 46, Graham Archer (BSA) 81. Intermediates: Graham Greaves (Bantam) 36, Mark Lucas (C15) 39, John Colclough (James) 40, Kevin Walker (Cub) 49. Experts: Steven Hay (Tri) 20, Jim Pickering (Villiers Drayton) 34, Giles Hixon (BSA) 42.
Report by Luke Stratton and Hammertight. Photograph: Photo-call mid-section! Graham Archer on the BSA -

Photo Courtesy: Ian Baker Family.
Graham Archer BSA.C15T.
BMCA Report:
Synalds Farm,
And the ever enthusiastic Richard Williams was the host at this BMCA event, on the slopes of the Long Mynd in Shropshire.
Traversing the steep hillside between sections can be, and is, a tricky procedure... It's not the first rider who, devoid of dry brake linings, has developed far too rapidly into a headlong plunge, and the trees have closed ranks...
Maybe devoid of anchors, but not of excitement! Course plotters, Nigel Houlston, John Davies, John Hughes and Andy Lane, received rider's approval for ten good sections, with the climbing stream sections providing top class entertainment.
The slab rocks can be as smooth as glass and will spin-up and throw a wheel out of line in an instant.
They didn't scrub in until the last lap. Intermediate winner and well known Kawasaki rider, Dave Pengilley seems at home on the ex-Doug Theobald 1963 Factory Dot, although still wary of the left side rear brake, and was particularly careful on the descents.
A wee bit of flooding from the Monobloc did cause an annoyance, but perhaps not as much as when a big five was written on the board by John Hughes on section five.
As Pengilley relates " Got some steam going, up the long and slippery stream, and then the auld girl suddenly caught some grip and the leading links reached for the sky"
Kevin Walker was second on his recently completed Drayton Cub, and was separated from John Colclough (James) by 4 marks.
And then there were the leaves in the gulley... Liberated from sections six and seven by whirling wheels, a great ten foot wadge built up... Described as a leaf-tsunami by a BSA Drayton rider, it certainly got everyone's attention!
Section eight caused the most upsets...a cross the camber, always beloved by the plotter, and made all the more tricky by the waterfall exit.
One of two strategically planted trees unsighted the line, and the marks rocketed... In the Clubman class, Andy Hunt on his Banvill kept ahead of Dave Harrison (BSA) and Stephen Leyshon (Ban).
Expert Steve Hay (BSA) was on top form, only dropping nine marks, with Paul Howells and Bill Woodcock fighting a close tussle, albeit some way back in his wake.
There were smiles all round from riders, observers and officials, as the hillside was returned to it's woolly residents, who may be somewhat puzzled if they happen to find the Cats Eye speedometer lost out on the course by Bantam rider Luke Stratton. And who described it as a smashing trial...
Results: Clubman: Andy Hunt (Banvill) 26, Dave Harrison (BSA) 34, Stephen Leyshon (Ban) 38, Jerry Munslow (Ban) 47, George Houghton (Ban) 67. Inters: Dave Pengilley (Theobald Dot) 20, Kevin Walker (Drayton Cub) 23, John Colclough (James) 27, Joe Owen (Ban) 29, Mark Strong (Ban) 33, Dave Thomas (Ariel) 35, Charles Millington (James) 46, Luke Stratton (Ban) 61.
Experts: Up to 350cc: Steven Hay (Cub) 9, Paul Howells (Ban) 20, Bill Woodcock (Ban) 21, Kevin Taylor (Drayton C15) 27, Paul Munslow (BSA) 28, Giles Hixon (Francis-Barnett) 46, Les Richardson (Villiers) 50, Laurence Alden (Ban) 54. Expert Over 350cc : Pete Reed (Tri Twin) 46.
Photographs: Courtesy Nigel Houlston. 4550 - Intermediate Winner Dave Pengilley - 250cc Theobald Dot - catches some grip on section 5... 4608 - Kev Taylor - 4410 - Steve Hay with Natalie on the board - 4359 - Les Richardson.
Report by Hammertight

Dave Pengilley, D.O.T.

Steve Hay Triumph Cub, and Natalie Foreman.

Kev Taylor. Drayton C15.
BMCA Trial,
Buildwas, Shropshire
Report: Were they around today, those 18th Century Iron Masters from the World Heritage Centre at Ironbridge Gorge, just a mile away, would surely have been interested in the trials irons being wheeled-out onto the hillside by thirty three BMCA riders at Buildwas, Shropshire on Sunday.
A very enjoyable trial if you "got on with it" with some sections getting very slippery by the end.
It had rained non-stop on the Saturday, as Clive Parry, Alex Crane, Les Richardson and Stephen Leyshon gamely placed the markers...
The first four were "standard Buildwas fare" and stood up well, but five kept Malcolm Holden busy scribbling.
Land Rover ruts to cross, and a couple of climbs.
Another character, Neil Roberton, was in charge of section 6, a meander around a muddy pool.
It's a wise competitor who listens to Mr Roberton's sage advice!
A nice and easy 7, designed to deceive the unwary in preparation for section 8, a reaper of high marks across all three classes.
Here Nathan Jones uncharacteristically looped the BSA.
Steve Hay was on fine form, though, and on the particularly tricky tight turns on slimy mud banks of sections 5 and 8, only dropping a two and a three on the BSA. Luke Stratton (Bantam) was in the Inters class for the second time, and had a steady ride.
An excellent score of nine saw Joe Owen take the class win on the smart Bantam. For Dave Thomas on the Ariel, it was a case of dabbing here, there and everywhere... and his personal highlight was using the welcome on-site jet wash afterwards!
A good turnout of Clubmen saw George Houghton (Bantam) win a tie-break with Gordon Wright (BSA), but Houghton would have aced it if not for a five on section eight on the first lap.
Colin Billington brought his interesting Golner Bantam into third, just a single mark away.
The latest electronic ignition version with automatic advance/retard makes it "Plonk like a four stroke" he quipped!
There was a grand fight for 4th place, with Andy Hunt on the Banvill, John Sanders on the original James and Dave Harrison (BSA) all on eighteen.
John Davies was trying out the very original ex-Nigel Houlston Greeves. Shropshire lad Davies and the Greeves marque go way back into the oily mists of time... and no matter what type of machine he turns up with these days, always rides it like a Greeves anyway!
Fireside reporter Hammertight with thanks to Kev, Clive, Colin, Dave T and Les for the facts! Photo: Ian Brittain awaits his turn to wash down the Royal Enfield . Photo by Dave Thomas.
Photo Later.
"Its Bedlam Here".
Report by Hammertight. Two photos courtesy Martin Pengilley. 0159 - Laurence Alden (Ban) 0262 - Steve Gollings (Villiers) The following by Hammertight - 4755 - John Cope (Ban) 4745 - Dave Pengilley and Pat Brittain 4693 - Mick Butler (Ban) 4752 - The spirit of trials encompassed - Observer Natalie Forman, Rider Luke Stratton, Markers and Machine... 4691 - Stewart Branford (Ban)
Report: The winds were coming from Iceland and Greenland as thirty four BMCA competitors pushed their machines up the country lane at Bedlam from the paddock to the sections on Sunday.
Engines were not to be running to avoid disturbing some residents...
But it was well worth the effort as ten interesting sections had been plotted by that merry band of Kevin Walker, Stephen Leyshon and Mark Lucas, in the rocky stream flowing down from Clee Hill way.
In fact it seemed as if the kindly organisers had ensured no rock or boulder in Bedlam was to be missed that day!
And section two had a very interesting "staircase" which tested the dampers to their limits.
Ken Taylor's section one had the nerves jangling.
The experts found a big anvil shaped boulder blocking the line, with little room to miss it.
A spirited attempt by Steve Hay caught the anvil hard on the left side of the bash plate and the Cub was whipped sideways and ditched its luckless rider in an instant...
This focused the attention of the other experts, and Nathan Jones eased the Mills framed BSA through for a clean.
Then, a few feet from the ends on section 6, the front wheel of the BSA stepped-out, a foot went down... and Amanda Fellows dutifully made her mark...
Jim Pickering was on the Bantam Drayton, and was making a mockery of the hazards.
His worst loss was a three on the treacherous slanting smooth slabs on section nine, and although observer Pete Bennett was sportingly telling the riders the best lines, Pickering wasn't maybe listening...
The big Triumph of Pete Reed thumped the anvil rock an almighty jarring, but Reed's feet remained stubborn on the pegs.
Dave Wood was circulating steadily on a 370cc long stroke BSA Drayton. This motor had been breathed on by Pete Kirby.
In the Intermediates, clerk of the course Kevin Walker took the recently built Drayton Triumph Cub to a fine win, two marks ahead of Mark Lucas (C15) and four from Mike Butler.
Poor old Butler was cursing his luck because the rear chain of the Bantam was derailed in section five... bad luck indeed, for those five marks cost him the class win... After cleaning section one on the C15, Lucas announced that he was now ready for the Aluminium Works sections in Kinlochleven...
Villiers Services Steve Gollings was another rider desperate to get the rockery won over, before the trip to the Highlands.
The shining Bartram framed Ariel was being ridden in the Inters at Bedam for the first time, and two unfortunate fives for running the wrong side of the ends on section five, stung Dave Thomas... who put down the rest of his losses to just "running out of talent".
Clubman Andy Hunt (Banvill) was in single figures at the end, with a convincing win over Martin MacKenzie (Ban) and Ian Brittain (Royal Enfield) both on twenty one.
A sheet of flame from the Enfield, on the throttle as she was wound up out of section three, looked like an after-burner from a jet had been fitted... The buzz from those in the know reckoned that the Enfield man was in talks with Scott Ellis about this motor!
John Cope was out on an interesting Bantam. Bill Price had modified the rear sub frame, and the motor was also Bill's handiwork.
Another hard luck story unfolded when Tony Hill pushed back to the paddock early on with engine trouble.
After "making adjustments", he then, for a second time, had to heave the Bantam back to the sections to see if she was a goer! She wasn't!
With a full turnout of observers, riders still grinning, and some sunshine at this place where the remains of times now past are still evident, weakened arms and shoulders, hammered from the Bedlam rocks, needed the linament bottle...
Results: Clubman: Andy Hunt (Banvill) 9, Martin MacKenzie (Ban) 21, Ian Brittain (Royal Enfield) 21, Stephen Leyshon (Ban) 28, Ray Barratt (Royal Enfield) 37, George Houghton (Ban) 43, Dave Harrison (BSA) 44, Jerry Munslow (Ban) 46, John Cope (BSA) 63.
Inters: Kevin Walker (Drayton Cub) 32, Mark Lucas (C15) 34, Mike Butler (Ban) 36, Dave Jones (BSA) 43, Luke Stratton (Ban) 46, Ernie Johnson (Cub) 49, Dave Pengilley (Theobald Dot) 52, Mark Strong (Ban) 57, Charles Millington (James) 69, Dave Thomas (Ariel) 78, Martin Taylor (Sprite) 97.
Experts up to350cc: Jim Pickering (Drayton Bantam) 6, Steve Hay (Cub) 7, Nathan Jones (BSA) 7, Pete Edwards (BSA) 17, Kevin Taylor (C15) 19, Paul Howells (Ban) 22, Stewart Branford (Ban) 26, Steve Gollings (Villiers) 29, Dave Wood (BSA) 45, Paul Munslow (BSA) 52, Les Richardson (Villiers) 62, Laurence Alden (Ban) 75.
Over 350cc: Pete Reed (Tri Twin) 93.
Photos later .
Paul Munslow. BSA.
Natalie Forman, and Luke Straton...

Steve Gollings, Drayton Villiers...

Dave Pengilley, and Pat Brittain...
~~~~~ BMCA Knighton. ~~~~~
Good evening Charlie
Report/Photos from That well known fellow Jack Frost was an early starter at Knighton, Shropshire and had the whole place decorated in his signature colour... and a bitter cold easterly wind all the way from the Urals kept the sections drier than normal.
The plotters John Jackson, Steve Whitehouse and Pete Reed had also worked their magic in presenting ten sections, using the Coppice for the first group, and then the long sweep down the white grass field to the river-side sections with good old rock and mud, and water.
And then the Big Hill, a feature of this former scrambles track, and just the place for a big single to blast-up, and it offered more grip than sometimes in the past! And big singles there were too!
A brace of Royal Enfields, a B40 and a Matchless... but lets not forget the lonely Triumph Twin rasping and twisting up the rocky outcrops.
A couple of Thundersley models, an Anglian and a Scottish, a Francis-Barnett, Hipkin Sprite , Tiger Cubs, Villiers, and the mighty Bantams were all to be seen circulating, too.
Experts Steven Hay (Cub) and Nathan Jones (BSA) went clean, a sublime performance indeed, with Laurence Alden (Ban) not that far behind.
An uncharacteristic five in section eight, put Mick Parkes out of contention.
Pete Kirby was the welcome observer here, and the experts were confronted with a tricky combination of rocks and roots, and a tight left turn around a tree.
Any wide-running here would have you in the drink! Christopher Dean (BSA) notched up another Inters victory by parting with just four.
Dave Jones on the BSA lost ten, and Mike Butler (Ban) just toppled Merv Powell on the Matchless, by a single mark.
For Martin MacKenzie (Ban) this was his debut ride in the Inters class.
In the Clubmans, the Royal Enfield of Ian Brittain was on song, after teething problems in previous events, and carried Brittain to the class win, with four dabs. Steve Haines has been a non-starter since the new year, due to a bit of a frozen shoulder. But the physio has sorted things out and he is glad to be back in the fray on the Tiger Cub, and was second placeman on thirteen, with Stephen Leyshon (Ban) on fifteen.
For John McCabe, travelled up from the Cotswolds, it was a welcomed debut ride with the BMCA.
His BSA WD B40 engine, built by Rupert Ratio, is housed in a modified Bantam D14 frame, after a lot of head scratching! An interesting bicycle.
John McCabe told me how much he enjoyed the trial, and of the welcome and enthusiasm of competitors, officials and observers.
Dave Alder on the Greeves Anglian retired. If you read this, Dave, let us know what happened and also keen to know the history of your machine...
And as folk said cheerio to Knighton, one rider told me that after standing for three hours in a biting wind, the observers, each and every one, deserved a medal... Few would argue with that!!!
Report: Hammertight. Photographs courtesy Eric Miles. 5167: Shropshire Lad John Davies is a Greeves man! 5179: Les Richardson avoids the drink on his Villiers Drayton.
Footing Note: Leighton Trial this Sunday: Martin MacKenzie tells me he has added new sections in the top field. Good on himself, and just hope the friendly Red Dragon will be "on fire" patrolling the borders and scare off this "Beast from the East" on the loose... Martin says he will put a message on the BMCA Guestbook if any problem., and I will let Charlie know.

John Davis, Greeves...

Les Richardson, Villiers...
Others in the respective page Categories.
BMCA Trial.
BMCA Report by Les Richardson and Hammertight:
The rainfall in the previous 48 hours left BMCA riders in little doubt about what to expect at Pattingham.
The scrambles track was, in one rider's view, reminiscent of the the sections were carefully plotted by Pete Reed, Stephen Leyshon, Kevin Walker and Les Richardson to minimise those on the track.
Three was a new one with a tricky cambered turn passing under a fallen tree trunk, calling for limbo dancing skills, and remembering that in times past a flat cap would probably have given a few more inches of clearance...
You would be correct in thinking there were a few headaches here!
A variety of tight turns between the trees on four, and then into section five, a Pattingham regular, with the experts descending into what felt like a bottomless sea of mud.
Only two experts managed a clean here - Bantam exponents Paul Howells and Bill Woodcock.
Whenever you see Neil Roberton, pencil in hand at a section, you can bet your Dunlop trials wellies that it's a good'un! And so it was at section six, an old favourite, but this time run in reverse, deceptively easy at first, but got steadily worse...or better in Roberton's view!
The big banking contained eight, nine and ten, and eight in particular got very slippery.
The Clubman class was well supported and the 350cc Royal Enfield of Ian Brittain thumped into first place, just a single mark away from Steve Haines on the Cub. Andy Hunt eased the Banvill into third.
There were two "stars" - Colin Billington was the only rider to conquer section two, on his Golner Bantam and Tony Hill took his Bantam all-clean through section five.
Inters rider Joe Owen carefully coaxed his Drayton Bantam, with distinctive tank finish, onto the rostrum on 22 lost, and his name into the records as the only rider to tame section eight on every visit.
Second place man Kevin Walker (Cub) managed the sole cleans on section seven. The last time John Colclough visited Pattingham, the cylinder barrel on the James was bouncing on the crankcase mouth, and it all sounded expensive... but everything was nice and "snug" this time and Colclough persuaded the James into third... For Mark Lucas, however, it all stopped after section eight, when the chain on the C15 broke. And, deary me, the spare link was the wrong size!!! Aw well, a welcome extra observer, but I'll wager he'll have his spares well sorted for the Highlands...
In the Experts a fag-packet covered the top three, with yer man Jim Pickering (Drayton Bantam) clinching the win over Steve Hay (BSA) and Paul Howells (Ban). And Pickering was the only all-clean on section six.
Results: Clubman: Ian Brittain (Royal Enfield) 39, Steve Haines (Cub) 40, Andy Hunt (Banvill) 44, Colin Billington (Golner Ban) 45, John Davies (Greeves) 58, John Cope (BSA) 62.
Inters: Joe Owen (Ban) 22, Kevin Walker (Cub) 29, John Colclough (James) 35, Mark Strong (Ban) 39, Mike Butler (Ban) 41.
Experts: Jim Pickering (Drayton Ban) 12, Steve Hay (BSA) 13, Paul Howells (Ban) 14, Kevin Taylor (Drayton C15) 18, Bill Woodcock (Ban) 21, Paul Munslow (BSA) 28.
Photographs by Eric Miles: 5470 - Jim Pickering (Drayton Bantam) - Experts winner. 5500 - John Davies (Greeves) 5520 - Joe Owen (Drayton Bantam) - Inters winner. 5555 - Ian Brittain (Royal Enfield) - Clubman winner, in section three.

John Davis, Greeves...

Ian Brittain, Royal Enfield...
Villiers Services...
Red Marley Trial...
Sixty-two riders entered the 2018 Red Marley Trial on Easter Sunday, sponsored by Villiers Services, although, for various reasons, only forty-eight completed the fifteen sections three times.
Credit and thanks must go to Andy Hunt and Joe Owen who plotted the testing two route course that saw every section but one cleaned at least once although the hard route on section five was mastered only once and that was by Nathan Jones.
No one could quite clean the slippery tree roots at section eleven, Ben Millichap making the best performance here with three separate dabs on his way to the overall victory by fourteen marks from Chris Chell in second place with Nathan Jones third just three behind Chris.
Five marks further back was a tie between Kevin Taylor and Tom Hibberd who both lost fifty marks.
Only three riders contested the B class for unit construction machines on the hard route, Mick Flanagan and Pete Reed rode Triumph Twins and Joe Chell was on a BSA B40. Mick took the class well ahead of Pete with Joe only four marks behind in third.
Class D for pre-unit machines and Class R for rigid framed bikes each attracted only two competitors, Chris Tett riding Jim Pickerings 350 Royal Enfield convincingly headed John Jacka on his Matchless and Andy Abraham finished twenty-three marks better than Keiran Abraham, both mounted on Levis machines. Keiran’s bike was built in 1936 and Andy’s almost modern being a 1949 model.
By far the best supported class was class C for clubmen riding a somewhat easier course and Nigel Tomkins was the clear winner taking his BSA Bantam round the 45 sections for a loss of only six marks, the previous years winner, Jim Teague finished second nine marks behind and just two ahead of Phil Goodwin on a very tidy 250 Wasp.
In fourth place just two marks behind Phil was Merv Powell having a very commendable ride on his big 350 Matchless.
Class A up to 250
Ben Millichap (Bantam) 28, Chris Chell (BSA 250) 42, Nathan Jones (BSA 250) 45, Kevin Taylor (Drayton C15) 50, Tom Hibberd (BSA 250) 50, Paul Munslow (Bantam) 65, Laurence Alden (Bantam) 66,
Andie Swift (Sprite) 69, Steve Gollings (Drayton Villiers) 78, Jack Hibberd (BSA 250) 86.
Class B 0ver 250 Unit
Mick Flanagan (Triumph 500) 76, Pete Reed (Triumph 350) 101, Joe Chell (BSA 350) 105.
Class D Pre-unit
Chris Tett (Royal Enfield) 66, John Jacka (Matchless) 119.
Clubman any cc
Nigel Tomkins (Bantam) 6, Jim Teague (Drayton C15) 15, Phil Goodwin (Wasp) 17, Merv Powell (Matchless) 19, Kevin Walker (Cub) 23, John Sander (James) 24, Gerry Minshall (James ) 30,
Mick Clarkson (Bantam) 33, Paul Robinson (BSA B40) 34, Roy Jones (Sprite) 37.
Report: Pete Dawson...
Overall winner Ben Millichap, Bantam. Photo: Pete Dawson
To see last year’s results, click HERE
Download full results in pdf format here
RM Trial 18 Results.pdf
Second place went to Chris Chell, BSA C15
Photo: Eric Miles
Photos later.
I,E, Drayton Page.
More Reports Later.